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Prayer / Gebed


From 1 January, for 40 days, our congregation are praying purposefully and focused.

Everyday, Prayer topics are send via email and we want to encourage you to become part of

this prayer initiative, as we learn how to pray.

Matthew 18:19 “...if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for,

it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. “

Jesus changes my prayer life


Week 1: Jesus changes the way we pray

Week 2: Stop!

Week 3: Listen

Week 4: Pray

Week 5: The prayer of Jesus


Contact Riana de Villiers if you're

interested in joining a group,

and to obtain the new study guide.


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Jesus verander my gebedslewe


Week 1: Jesus verander hoe ons bid

Week 2: Stop!

Week 3: Luister

Week 4: Bid

Week 5: Die gebed van Jesus


Behoort jy al aan 'n Omgeegroep?

Kontak Riana de Villiers indien jy

belangstel om by 'n groep in te

skakel, en om die nuwe studie gids

te verkry.


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